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Formstack and Cycle integration cover

Collect customer feedback from Formstack

What is Formstack?

Formstack helps you build and automate forms and workflows to collect and manage data without coding.

Why should you connect Formstack to Cycle: Key benefits

1. Centralize all survey responses from Formstack in an actionable source of truth.

2. Save time on processing incoming survey results as Cycle's AI can process qualitative data for you.

3. Get a customer voice dashboard based on all your Formstack survey responses to see what customers tell you, at scale.

Quick setup

  1. 1. Go to Zapier and start a new Zap the trigger "New survey response in Formstack"
  2. 2. Connect the trigger to the Cycle action "Create feedback". You'll need to authenticate in both apps first to connect them.
  3. 3. Map the corresponding fields. You can use html tags to format incoming survey results as a rich text to send to Cycle.
  4. 4. Turn on the Zap.
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    Import historical data from Formstack to Cycle

    Cycle's graphql API lets you easily import feedback in bulk. If you're migrating from another feedback tool or would like to create multiple feedback items at once, use the createFeedback mutation.